MTD Drug Test Strip – Methadone Test


As low as $0.79

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Cutoff level: Methadone 300 ng/ml

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MTD Drug Test Strip

The Methadone Drug Test Strip is a product that can detect the presence of Methadone in someone’s urine sample. The Methadone Drug Test Stip contains a single thin strip coated with a sensitive membrane that is dipped into a urine sample. Upon dipping the strip into the urine sample, the product is then left to dry for a few minutes before showing testing results.

Methadone is a pain alleviation drug. It is used for treating medium to severe pain. It is also a substitute drug given to drug addicts who are recovering from Heroin addiction.

When used as a pain reliever, Methadone is able to affect the body anywhere from 12 – 48 hours. As a substitution drug, Methadone can give the user a similar (yet much milder) rush that heroin provides while lowering the urge to obtain Heroin by any means necessary.

While it serves as a way to alleviate pain and get off a Heroin addiction, Methadone itself can be quite addictive. When taken for a prolonged period of time (or more than the recommended amount), users can become quite addicted to this drug. The withdrawal effects of Methadone can be quite severe too.

If you are suspecting your employees to be addicted to Methadone or you need a way to determine whether or not your patients are taking their Methadone medication, this drug test strip may be the perfect solution for you.

Methadone Drug Test Strip Usage

The Methadone Drug Test Stip can detect the presence of Methadone at a cut-off level of 300 ng/ml. When the patient’s urine gets in contact with the testing strip, it will cause a reaction. The testing membrane will look for how much Methadone is present in the urine. If the amount is lower than 300 ng/ml, the test will produce two visible testing lines. Otherwise, only one testing line will form indicating a positive result.

Because of its size and ease of use, the MTD drug test strip can be used in almost any location. During a test users should be provided with a testing cup to hold the urine sample. A timer is also recommended.

After dipping the testing strip in the urine sample, the results should be visible after 5 minutes. Testing should be done within room temperature (15°C to 30°C).Disregard any results after 10 minutes.

Additional information
Weight 0.01 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 2 × 1 in

Methadone (MTD)

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Orders purchased before 3.00pm EST Monday through Friday will be shipped same-day. Also next day shipments will not be delivered on weekends and that the time taken on air shipments should be counted with business days. Friday overnight delivery will only be received on Monday.